Statement / Manifesto

Júlia Coma Vilarasau is a Co'Curator // Transdisciplinar-Researcher who develops her activity across multiple areas of knowledge. She defines herself as a creative who operates through the knowledge intersections with her curious nature, conceiving and operating through her body as active materiality, with the awareness of sensorial archivism as a methodology originating from her analytical and hypersensitive condition.

She’s doing Research and Co'llaborating in projects based on different related topics with the will to share and explore organically the knowledge that stems from the co'creation between active living beings.

Her current practice is focused on writing and the exploration of the olfactory language. The fil rouge of her constant transdisciplinary research is about finding beauty, collective reflection and sensitive ways for a sustainable symbiosis-resynchronisation with the world.

"I am a enthusiast traveler, always searching for inspiring experiences and challenges. I have a transversal professional experience, that mixes formal jobs, studies, self-research and trips under cultural motivation. I am a passionate and a curious human being with lots to share and lots to engage in collaborative processes. I am always researching, visiting exhibitions and creators works because as a creative mind I trust the relational enrichment that cultural practices bring to my creative work."

"All is collective, all is done in a extended common. We are part of the trouble, we live in permanent movement, and as part of all this beautiful complexity, I find myself living intuitively as a curious mind, exploring and learning in every cycle of light and dark."

Organic Chronology

After learning singing as a child, she began studying ballet, a passion that she put on hold during the university years, where she pursued a degree in Fashion Design. This learning process helped her develop the body consciousness in a specific context. Her final project at the university, “cos-archive”, has been the trigger to root her practice in the artistic terrain, being able to showcase her work in multiple spaces and exhibition formats. 

On the year she graduated from university [2014], she moved to Japan, where she absorbed the rituality and the contrasts that living in a place so removed from her roots brought up. This made her start writing about trends for some european magazines and focus on crafts such as pottery, ikebana and shodo, and establishing metaphoric-poetical dialogues with other artists. The two projects resulting from this experience were “Talks and “Acte fràgil.

Due to her studies in fashion, participation in the creation of Obsessive Collectors Archive and her interest in transversal creative practices, she came back to Barcelona and became part of the Cortana fashion firm first and then as a creative in the team of the ECH brand. During this period, she has been able to explore some of her shortcomings as a professional and to discover in greater depth her capabilities, such as the conceptualization of the brand DNA, the exploration of future trends and the creation of a work methodology.

Moreover, during this time she has been traveling under cultural motivation, revealing such an action as a potential for knowledge and perceptual tools. Some stays, such as the ones in London, Berlin and Paris were significantly substantial in understanding this value of creative growth. 

In 2021 she lived in Paris for almost a year, were she started a more focused nose training to deeply explore the scents language. She also had the first approach to alternative education systems by working and learning from curious and unconstrained tiny persons in a Montessori School.

Then, coming back to Barcelona having lived in France and having had meaningful experiences in Domaine de Boisbuchet and Grasse Institute of Perfumery, she started exploring deeply the importance of the holistification of senses as a way to do an organic and active research, finding ways to bring projects cooperatively to this changing, controversial and interconnected world.

She came back to Paris in autumn 2022, where she is based now.

Olfactory language, Food Fermentation and Writing are her principal media to explore and co’curate with others. The amateurial part is more focused on Dancing, Ceramics and Textile.

The grassroots motivation is the conscious need of a constant sensitive co’reinvention to be able to re-synchronize trandisciplinarly toghether. 

Professional Resumé

Creative Co’Curator

2023-2024 - Creative Consultant - “d’allò que no es pot parlar” [“of what cannot be spoken”] Experimental theatrical piece at la Sala Beckett Theater (Barcelona)

Feb 2024 - Olfactory Atelier a seasonal olfactory immersion through perfumes, olfactory materials and tea appreciation - Fedra (Barcelona)

2022-2023 - Creative Consultant - “Víncles i Familia” [“bonds and family”] Experimental theatrical piece at la Sala Beckett Theater (Barcelona)

Apr 2022 - Olfactory Curation - Irradia Sonora III - Collective Sound Gatherings in collaboration with Comittee.Estudio, food designer Laura Vecina, DJ Melina Serser and Gabriela Dimaro (Hospitalet de Llobregat)

Nov 2021 - Olfactory Curation - Irradia Sonora II - Collective Sound Gatherings in collaboration with Comittee.Estudio, food designer Laura Vecina, DJ Melina Serser and Gabriela Dimaro (Hospitalet de Llobregat)

2021 - Researcher about ‘Alternative Pedagogy Methods’ and as Educational Creative Activities Curator - Montessori Esclaibes Bilingual School (Paris)

2017-2020 - Creative Researcher and Curator - Obsessive Collectors Studio - Elena Chernyavskaya Jewelry (Barcelona)

2014-2016 - Researcher and Editor - Obsessive Collectors Archive (Barcelona)

Artist-Curator Researcher – Performer

2021-2022 - ‘AI on Stage’. Artistic co’research financed by la Sala Beckett Theater based on the Artificial Intelligence field as a potentially dialoguing language in transdisciplinary creation processes. The final piece was titled “Travessem el mirall ja” ["Cross through the mirror now!"] and was on show in May 2022 in La Sala Beckett as a 3 days multisensorial perfomance.

Mar 2022 - Trajectory and perspectives of a creative woman - Talk on International Women’s Day - ESDI Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)

Feb 2022 - Guest appearance on ‘Xperymentas’ - Radio Ciutat Vella (Barcelona)

2020-2021 - Collab’Curator - ‘Desire Beyond Possession’ Creation of the part-theoretical, part-scenic bases to develop a new theatrical piece. Lead by l'Obrador de Filosofia from La Sala Beckett (Barcelona).

2020 - Artist-Researcher - ‘Espectadors en residencia’ [Spectators in residence] - Spectator-to-spectator dialogues from the Community of Study on the active role of spectators in a stage. Lead by Esther Blázquez and David Pérez - ArteFactum (Barcelona)

2017 - Co’Artist-Researcher - Acte Fràgil - Ceramic exhibition and Performance

2016 - Co’Artist-Researcher - Talks - Photography exhibition and editorial project with Carles Roig - La Retrateria - (Barcelona)

2016 - Artist in a Collective exhibition - Vestir i desvestir cossos. Fenomenologies d’aparició (Centre d’art la Panera)

_Article - Quadern - “Diàlegs entre Art i Moda. Fenomenologies d’aparició” by Dra.Maia Creus

2015 - Seminar and exhibition - Fer coses amb els coses - Fer cosa fora collective group 

2015 - Solo gallery installation - Auto-dissecció (Centre Cívic del Guinardo)

_Article - Quadern - “El Cos Fotografia. Laboratori d’exploració”

2014 - Artist in a Collective exhibition - Transposicions: disseny fora de camp (Espai Cultura. Fundació Caixa Sabadell) 

_cos-archive presentation at DEMO Futurs ADI-FAD

_cos-archive and cut-up references presentation at Esdissabte

_cos-archive process interviews as part of the project Arxiu #FFFFFF by Gemma Estadella

_Article - Quadern - “Violentar la pell (On és el meu cos? i el disseny del fer)” by Oriol Ocaña

_Video-Process hidden camera experiment

2013-2014 - Intern in the ‘Art & Design Theory’ department - ESDI Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)

Writer, Trends Researcher and Community Manager 

2015-2016 - Writer collaborator Japan/Spain - Metal, Vein and Fuet Magazine 

2015 - IG content creator - Dream Magazine ( now: Bound Magazine)

2015 - Editorial Intern - Metal Magazine

2013-2014 - Researcher and Contributing editor - Obsessive Collectors Archive 

Customer Service 

2017 - Sales Assistant. Head of eCommerce - Cortana

2016 / 2017 - Assistant Manager and Visual Merchandising - Paseo de Gracia Flagship Store - LUPO Barcelona 

2014 / 2016 - Sales Assistant - LUPO Barcelona 

2006 / 2014 - Weekend and summer waitress

Detailed Education Resumé

Perfumery, Art&Olfaction

Jan 2024 - Thés de la province du Fujian - A tea degustation of various types of tea from the Fujian region in China - Serendipi Thé (Paris)

Nov 2023 - Thés vivants : à la rencontre des thés sombres - A six tea degustation to understand the difference between oxidation and fermentation in tea - Serendipi Thé (Paris)

Set 2022 - Oct 2023 - Perfume Accords: Soft Woods - Sandalwood - Oud - Pipe Tabacco - Honey - Vanilla - Amber - Ambergris - Jasmine - Rose - Citrus - Industrial - Marine - Leather - Musk - […] - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

Set 2023 - Discovering special Taiwanese and Chinese teas - Two workshops about different kind of teas: a Hakka Sour Orange tea, a very rare yellow tea made from indigenous Taiwanese cultivar, an Oriental Beauty made from dong pian and different age Dong Dings from 2021 finishing with an exceptional vintage one aged over 50 years - Wistaria (Paris)

Set 2022-July 2023 - Taking private Organic Chemistry lessons with Chemist and Biotechnologist David Hernández (Online Course)

May 2023 - Roses in Bulgaria - two weeks collecting roses and learning from the distillation process to extract essential oil and rose water (Паничерево - Rose Valley in Bulgaria)

Jan-Apr 2023 - Module 3 - Eleven Week Materials Course with the independent perfumer Ashley Eden Kessler - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

Oct-Dec 2022 - Module 2 - Eleven Week Materials Course with the independent perfumer Ashley Eden Kessler - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

Nov 2022 - Scent + A.I., Algorithms, and Digital Devices, with Anna D'Errico - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

Nov 2022 - Monko 'Listening to Incense' Introductory Course with Tomo友久 - Ogata (Paris)

July-Set 2022 - Module 1 - Eleven Week Materials Course with the independent perfumer Ashley Eden Kessler - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

Aug 2021 - Level 1 - Fragrance Summer School - Grasse Institute of Perfumery (Grasse)

July 2021 - Perfume 303: Perfume Composition Techniques with the independent perfumer Ashley Eden Kessler - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

Jan-July 2021 - Nose awakening self-training - Olfathèque Coworking Cinquième Sens (Paris)

June 2021 - Perfume 202: Lab Strategies course to be able to set up a proper home perfumery LAB during 2022 - Ashley Eden Kessler - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

May-July 2021 - Creative Development for Perfumery with the independent perfumer Michael Nordstrand - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles) (Online Course)

Oct 2020 - One day workshops about distilling and perfumery making - Frank Bloem - Mediamatic (Amsterdam)

Oct 2020 - Nose awakening self-training - Olfathèque Coworking Cinquième Sens (Paris)

Sept 2020 -  Perfume Composition, and Exploration of Visual Synesthesia and Perfume creation - Oliver Valverde - Olfatorium - Les Topettes (Barcelona)

Jan 2020 - Open Aroma Lab - The Institute for Art and Olfaction (Los Angeles)

Sept 2019 - Alembic Distillation and Natural perfumery creation - Berti Fernández - Les Topettes (Barcelona)

Sept 2019 - Perfume History and Niche Perfumery introduction- Thomas Dennis - The Perfumery (Barcelona)

June 2019 - Perfumery creation introduction workshop - Klara Ravat - Smell Lab (Berlin)

Philosophy, Literature and Science

Feb-Apr 2023 - Filosofia i literatura, complicitat o antagonisme? - Study of the evolution of the historical relationship between literature and philosophy through works by Thomas Mann, Plato, Søren Kierkegaard, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Simone Weil, Friedrich Hölderlin, August Strindberg, Paul Valéry, Miguel de Unamuno, Iris Murdoch, Simone de Beauvoir and David Markson with Dr.Sam Abrams - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Oct-Dec 2022 - Lectura de la obra de Mircea Cartarescu - Study of the work of the Romanian writer Mircea Cartarescu with Dr.Sam Abrams - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Jun-July 2022 - La Universidad Des_conocida organized by the cultural research center #plantauno. Weekly seminars on different related topics (deromanticized poetry, posthumanism, time and utopia) given by different researchers and writers with their unique bibliographical references.

May 2022 - Los placeres prohibidos. Por una ética de la corporeidad - Analysis from a philosophical-literary perspective, of the ethics of corporeity based on caress, shame, disorder and dissonance with Dr. Joan Carles Mèlich - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Jan-Mar 2022 - Vuit nits amb Borges - Cross-sectional study of the work of Jorge Luis Borges with Dr.Sam Abrams - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Set-Oct 2021 - Llegir a Dostoievski avui - Master classes based in-depth reading and analysis of Dostoevsky’s work by Miquel Cabal Guarro, Jordi Morillas and Tamara Djermanovic - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Feb-June 2020 - Queer perspectives - David Carrillo-Rangel - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Dec 2019 - ‘Teoría general de la basura’ Seminar - with the book author, Agustín Fernández Mallo - NoLlegiu (Barcelona)

Oct-Dec 2019 - Feminisme: no només una qüestió de gènere - Course on feminism(s) history and debate - Dra.Marta Ausona - La Casa Elizade (Barcelona)

Jan-Apr 2019 -  La reconquesta del món virtual [The reconquest of the virtual world] - Ingrid Guardiola - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Oct-Dec 2018 - Filosofia literaria [The Relationship between Philosophy and Literature] - Joan-Carles Mèlich - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)

Mar 2018-  Las (in)humanidades seminar [Non-Human Science Fiction imaginaries] - Víctor García Tur - CCCB. ‘Escola Bloom’ Writers School (Barcelona)

Alternative Education Pedagogies

May 2021 - Colloquium on Neuroscience and Education by Dra. Adele Diamond, Dr.Alvaro Pascual Leone, Dr.Javier Tirapu and many others - MIRTC

Feb 2021 - Intensive one week training course in Montessori Pedagogy and Philosophy by Sophie Lanis and Sylvie d'Esclaibes

Art and World Re-Perceptions

June 2023 - Moldy Fermentation Extravaganza - workshop about experimental Koji fermentation and Fermented Food Regulation with Kirsten K. Shockey and Mara Jane King - University College of London UCL (London)

June 2023 - Women in Fermentation - talk and wild sodas workshop. Organized by Ladies who Ferment with the collaboration of expert fermenters Kirsten K. Shockey and Mara Jane King - Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses (London)

Nov-Des 2022 - “XENOXENOXENO” Seminar - Yuri Tuma and Clara Benito - Institute for Postnatural Studies (Madrid) (Online Course)

Set-June 2022 - ‘Food Cosmogonies’ seminar II - Nora Silva and Inês Neto dos Santos - The Gramounce (online)

Aug 2021 - Fermenting Futures with Dr.Johnny Drain - Domaine de Boisbuchet (France)

June 2021 - Habitar les naturocultures o la potència especulativa. Ecologies, tendreses i riscos tàctics - A program organized by the mediation team of the Sala d’Art Jove 2021: Daniel López del Rincón and Víctor Ramírez Tur with the collaboration of pli-é collective, Quimera Rosa (Bio-Art research Lab), Helen Torres (Speculative Fictions) and Institute for Postnatural Studies (Speculative Design) - (Barcelona)

Mar-Abr 2021 - ‘Food Cosmogonies’ seminar I - Nora Silva and Inês Neto dos Santos - The Gramounce and Institute of Postnatural Studies (Madrid - Online Course)

Oct-Nov 2020 - ‘Postnature and Contemporary Creation’ seminar - Gabriel Alonso - Institute of Postnatural Studies (Madrid - Online Course)

Feb-Apr 2020 - Ficciones del des-orden ‘Eco-Ficciones’ - Multidisciplinary debate meetings with Paula Bruna, Carolina Jiménez and Agustín Ortiz Herrera - (Barcelona)

Jan 2018 - Cuerpo, Espacio, Tiempo, Lenguaje. Taller de Performance with Joan Morey - Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani (Barcelona)

Apr 2016 - L’espai sonor: poètica i política de l’escolta espacial [Sound space: poetics and politics of space listening] - Arnau Horta - Institut d’Humanitats (Barcelona)

Tools. Art, Systems and Science 

Jul 2020 - ‘Cinema lighting’ Workshop - (Barcelona)

Oct-Nov 2019 - Three-stage artistic training program titled: "ningú sap el que pot l'art" [ "no one knows what art is capable of”]. With Nancy Garín (Interrupting the matrix, art and decoloniality); Anna Manubens, (Do as you say, performativity and art curation); and Quim Pujol, (Varieties of the future, performativity and the materiality of the body) (ACCA, Associació Catalana de Crítics d’Art) (Barcelona)

Mar 2019 - ‘Algorithm Music’ introduction workshop - Toplap collective - (Barcelona)

Oct 2017 - June 2018 - ‘Professionalization program for the emerging artist’ Postgraduate degree - Node Center (Berlin - Online)

Jan 2015 - ‘Arduino’ initiation workshop - Juan Carlos Villalobos - Centre Cívic Guinardó (Barcelona)

Crafts. Ceramics, Textile.

Set-June 2023 - Introduction to electric pottery wheel with Anne Claire Martin in the Kayoko Hayasaky's Atelier. (Paris)

Apr 2021 - Introduction to manual pottery wheel with Laurence Franceschini in the Kayoko Hayasaky's Atelier. (Paris)

Jul 2020 - One month Introduction to Carpet making - Textil Teranyina (Barcelona)

Mar-June 2017 - Japanese Traditional Arts&Crafts

– Ceramics 陶器 - Ceramics at Ray Art School (Tokyo) and Raku Pottery 楽焼 at HOCA Atelier in Tajimi with Sihbata Sensei (Gifu-Japan)

– Ikebana 生花 - One month course in Sogetsu Ikebana School in Aoyama (Tokyo)

– Shodo 書道 - First and second level course - Madoka Kubota - in Casa Asia (Barcelona)

Aug-Mar 2017 - Japanese ceramics - Motoko Araki Sensei - Yuu Atelier (Barcelona)

June 2016 - Japanese ceramics introduction - Miki Sato Sensei - Ray Art School (Tokyo)


Set 2018 - Sustainable Fashion - UAL Central Saint Martins (London) (Short Course)

Mar 2018 - Fashion Marketing - Jennifer Williams-Baffoe - UAL Central Saint Martins (London) (Online Short Course)

2010-2014 Fashion Degree - ESDI Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)

Body. Dance, Theater, Performance Art, Contemporary Art

[ONGOING] - Gaga Movement Language - Thibaut Eiferman, Mourad Bouayard, Delphine Jungman, Kasia Kizior, Hugo Marmelada and Etay Axelroad (Paris)

Jan 2024 - Trainings quotidiens - Nina Dipla - La Ménagerie de Verre (Paris)

Jan 2024 - Trainings quotidiens - Sherwood Chen and Thibaut Eiferman - La Ménagerie de Verre (Paris)

Oct 2023 - Trainings quotidiens - Nina Dipla - La Ménagerie de Verre (Paris)

May 2023 - Gaga Eden with Ohad Naharin and Batsheva Company dancers - Orsolina28 (Italy)

Nov-Feb 2022 - Gaga Movement Language Online Lessons by Ohad Naharin dancers

Oct-Jan 2022 - Contemporary dance lessons with Bebeto Cidra - SaNau (Barcelona)

Dec 2020 - ‘l'excavació’ [the excavation] - Two days of immersion in this methodology of approach to words created by Societat Doctor Alonso (Barcelona)

Oct 2020 - ‘Eines per l’acció’ [Tools for action] - Intensive one week course exploring movement with María Muñoz and Pep Ramis (Malpelo) - l’Animal a l’Esquena (Celrà)

July 2020 - Improvisación Teatral [Theatrical Improvisation] - Felix Pons - L’Autentica (Barcelona)

Feb-Jun 2020 - ‘Espectadors en residencia’ [Spectators in residence] - Spectator-to-spectator dialogues from the Community of Study on the active role of spectators in a stage. Lead by Esther Blázquez and David Pérez - ArteFactum (Barcelona)

Oct-Mar 2020 - Shakti Dance - Fusion of Kundalini Yoga and oriental dances - Alejandra Soto - La Casa Elizade (Barcelona)

2018-2020 - Two years of Contemporary dance lessons and Dance streaming-lessons experimentation during the COVID19 lockdown - Marta Gálvez - SaNau (Barcelona)

July 2018 - Txikung, Qi Gong Workshop  - Cloud Gate Dance Theatre (Taiwan) - Fundació Miró (Barcelona)

2018 - One year of early morning ZEN Meditation - Master Lluís Nansen Salas - Zen Kannon (Barcelona) 

Jul-Oct 2016 - Introductory practice to Kundalini Yoga - (Sabadell)

2016 - Butoh 舞踏 dance lessons - Yoshito Ohno 大野 慶人- Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio (Yokohama - Tokyo)

2014-2015 - Hatha Yoga - YogaJaya (Tokyo)

2004-2009 - Classical Ballet (Examined by the Royal Academy of Dance of London) - Ritme Dance School (Sabadell)