09/2021 - 06/2022
After collaborating with l'Obrador de filosofia from November 2020 to May 2021 while living in Paris, I became part of the core group in September to research about Artificial Intelligence as a potentially dialoguing language in transdisciplinary creation processes.
We collaborated with the playwright and dance theorist Roberto Fratini; researchers from IDEAI, part of the Computer Engineering department from the UPC (Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya); the Theater-robots creative group 'Teatronika', supported by the UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Taller Estampa, an artistic group that works on visuals created by AI processes.
The final piece was titled “Travessem el mirall ja” ("Cross through the mirror now!") and was on show in May 2022 in La Sala Beckett as a 3 days multisensorial perfomance.
My current research focus is on the exploration and learning of the olfactory language and the search for a sustainable symbiosis with the world – through an active reflection about AI as part of the present-future life paradigm – and the exploration of alternative education methods as a way to un-learn towards a sensible resynchronisation.
Cronologia [Cronology]
Han estat diversos anys d'una recerca imprecisa i curiosa entre especulacions de futurs possibles, innovació i problemàtiques viscudes, per reflexionar.
Quelcom que ara va anar apareixent en el procés de recerca i aportacions dins el projecte que vam dur a terme conjuntament amb el Jordi Alsina, el Miquel Jordà i l'Andreu Rifé de l'Obrador de Filosofia de la Sala Beckett. Una sala on es fa recerca en el terreny de la dramatúrgia i on aquest grup m'ha acollit, valorat de mi el que ells defineixen com "tot aquest món que tinc a dins".
És per aquest "món d'interrelacions de coneixement" que considero necessària l'escriptura d'una cronologia, encara que només en siguin les illes d'una navegació plena de matisos.
Why am I here researching about this subject (AI+Human Being and Post’human’Nature)?
2012-2013 - Profund Interest of Cyborgs, I met Neil Harbison and I discovered Donna Haraway
Jan 2015 - ‘Arduino’ initiation workshop - Juan Carlos Villalobos - Centre Cívic Guinardó (Barcelona)
2014-2016 Living between Tokyo and Barcelona, and self-overwhelming myself with new languages, perceptions and a peculiar way of traditional/futuristic aesthetics.
Mar 2018- ‘Las (in)humanidades’ seminar [Non-Human Science Fiction imaginaries] - Víctor García Tur - CCCB. ‘Escola Bloom’ Writers School (Barcelona)
I started reading and being aware of feminine – not always dystopian – approaches from Sci-Fi novels, Speculative Theories and Biology Science Investigations.
Jan-Apr 2019 - ‘La reconquesta del món virtual’ [The reconquest of the virtual world] - Ingrid Guardiola - ‘La Central’ Bookshop Academy (Barcelona)
I met Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi and we still are conversing about the present and the futures world with him.
Mar 2019 - ‘Algorithm Music’ introduction workshop - Toplap collective - Hangar (Barcelona)
Dec 2019 - “Teoría general de la basura” Seminar - with the book author, physicist Agustín Fernández Mallo - NoLlegiu (Barcelona)Reading C.Rovelli and Physics Theory + Exhibition CCCB
Feb-Apr 2020 - Ficciones del des-orden – ‘Eco-Ficciones’ multidisciplinary debate meetings with Paula Bruna, Carolina Jiménez and Agustín Herrera - Hangar (Barcelona)
Oct 2020 - Post-Nature Seminar with Institute for Postnatural Studies
2021 - Living in Paris - Researching about Perfumery world and Alternative Education Methodologies. Finding a language where communicate with: the olfaction
Penelope and the suitors