03/2014 - 01/2017
Cos-archive was the end of the beginning. The final year project marked an important point for me in terms of belonging to a rigid system with narrow boundaries and predefined paths. After the University the feeling was between freedom and the abyss and cos-archive continuity partially diluted the post-college stir.
The project was presented at the Teatre Victoria in Barcelona, at the Moritz factory with AdiFAD, exhibited at Transpositions: design outside fields in Sabadell, Strip Art 2015 in Barcelona, Vestir i desvestir cossos. Fenomenologies d’aparició (Dressing and undressing bodies: Phenomenologies of Appearance) in the Center of art the Panera of Lleida.
07/2016 - 01/2017 – Itinerant Collective Exhibition - Vestir i desvestir cossos. Fenomenologies d’aparició
02/2016 - 05/2016 – Collective Exhibition - Vestir i desvestir cossos. Fenomenologies d’aparició
Centre d'art la Panera de Lleida
‘The exhibiton «Vestir i desvestir cossos. Fenomenologies d’aparició» proposes a reflection of the relationship between fashion, art on the body. The question we ask is what would be the limit that separates fashion as a form of indoctrination and dress as a mode of appearance of think and be.
Artists: Ana Laura Aláez / Nora Ancarola / Stéphanie Baechler / Ramon Guillén-Balmes / Isabel Banal / Anna-Sophie Berger / Denys Blacker / María Castellanos / Júlia Coma Vilarasau / Lucía Cuba / David Delfín / Emma Escuer / Pepe Espaliú / Ali Yerdel i Anastasia Pistofidou / Laura Fernández Antolín / Esther Ferrer / Lena Gallovicova / Nadine Goepfert / Rubén Grilo / Enric Majoral / Ana Mir / Txell Miras / Juan Luis Moraza / María Morgui / Juan Muñoz / Peter Pohjola / Maria Palomeras / Miriam Ponsa / Joana Poulastrou / Laura Puigdellívol / Mariaelena Roqué / Tea Sirbiladze / Jana Sterbak / Pan Weiju.’
10/2014 - 02/2015 – Collective Exhibition - Transposicions: disseny fora de camp
Espai cultura - Fundació Antiga Caixa Sabadell 1859 ( Exhibition Instagram page )
I was part of the exhibition management team and responsible for the communication of the project together with the communication department of the ESDI university (Escola Superior de Disseny).
07/2014 - Official Undergrad Final Runway Presentation
Fashion Show – Bachelor degree final project 2014
DEMO Futurs ADI-FAD - Fabrica Moritz Barcelona - 2015