L' ami, 1979, Hervé Guibert
As I believe that “to learn something means to live something” I place particular emphasis on different repeated actions: Traveling as a necessary movement to re-think my acquired knowledge; Reading and Writing as a way to play with words and thoughts; Watching films, documentaries and meaningful photographs to learn through other eyes and have time to dialogue calmly with people that I admire profoundly.
I am also training my nose to explore the intimate and immersive scent language and dancing, because it is what gives me the most pleasure by activating the movement, and letting the body go through it.
Since 2015 I read and I traveled quite a lot, visiting many different locations and exploring through knowledge intersections.
The reasons that moved me to read on many different topics and to travel, have been a mix between a knowledge-hungry curiosity and the impulse to free up ideas and fleeing from a doubt-ridden loss.
I chose every book and destination based on a combination of circumstances. I traveled to attend cultural events, for the need of a reencounter with somebody and/or to fill with content the speculations born between some readings and conversations.
The perduring feeling these last years has been of leaping through stones, constantly keeping the balance between not falling in the pretension of "wanting to be somebody", clearly defining my objectives, in part longing to fit in the world while, at the same time, looking for the misfit(s) to challenge and better understand myself.
Reading and Traveling is to me an exploration where I learn on different, unexpected levels and I absorb much more than what I perceive at the moment. In the Covid-19-induced state of territorial paralysis, books began to have more precise relationships to explore and inquire and all these travel experiences begun to interrelate and bring broader meanings.