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The bases of my research

I am passionate about the intersections between holistic body perception, rethinking systems more organically and understanding creativity and cultures as a potential for exchange and constantly re-defining our ‘relation with’.

As a professional, I think of myself as a sensitive human constantly drifting, feeling every perception, putting things with different natures in common, willing to develop other possibilities. 

I am not an expert in anything because I don’t want to be focused on a specific area of knowledge or have a specific title to fight for. It doesn’t mean I live in abstraction, there are projects and specific actions in the process but there are no absolute directions or ends, and I am aware – as I could prove with all my actions – that I never do it alone.

I always take seriously the things that I do, and I feel high admiration for all those persons purely committed to something, like artisans or mothers.

My knowledge building process is based on transversality: I go deep into specific things until the moment I find intersections that could redirect or affect the research in different spheres.

What I mean with that is that I don't focus on something due to the fear of losing direction, rather that I accept loss and I leave space for knowledge-relations to happen freely.

Time is the only measure that really matters to me, but it is a subjective measure. It could take years of diving deep into something and also finding along the way moments of simple epiphany to change coordinates, softly or entirely. 

I have no stratifications in life but I am always choosing by intuition and respect, and yes, it is tough to keep it harmonized, but for me living and accepting the natural instability is the key to finding ways to do things that matter.

As a person, I feel like part of the common of the bodies, because all that I do has the implicit consciousness of the limitations of an active body with a limited amount of time.